The Force.com AppExchange

Posted May 5th, 2009 in Certified Administrator and tagged , , , , , by John Coppedge

Describe the Force.com AppExchange

The AppExchange is a website for locating, purchasing (if a fee is associated), and installing 3rd party software into your Salesforce organization to extend its core functionality.

There are hundreds of AppExchange packages available – everything from expanding marketing capabilities to database integration packages.  Check out the full list here.

In addition, there are several great free AppExchange packages worth discovering, including one I’ve had great use for: Inline Account Hierarchy.  All Force.com Labs packages are free (183 packages at time of writing) and can be viewed by clicking the publisher tab on the above link.

Click this link to view free apps by all publishers.


Describe the characteristics of Managed Packages

Managed packages are similar to the force.com platform itself.  They:

  • Can be upgraded post-installation by the package publisher
  • Support subscription-based licensing
  • May contain portions that are locked

Unmanaged packages on the other hand are not locked and cannot be upgraded by the publisher.

See “About Managed Packages”.


Install a package

Find the package on AppExchange and install it.  This will list the requirements for the package and require a system administrator’s credentials.

  1. Find the package on the AppExchange and click on “Get It Now”.  Provide administrator user credentials to your org.
  2. Confirm the package requirements
  3. Approve API access
  4. Choose security settings
    From SF:

      Admin access only
      Gives no custom object permissions to any user profile except the administrator’s and any profile with the "Customize Application" permission. This option also sets field-level security to visible and editable for all fields included in the new the features in this package. After installation, if you have Enterprise, Unlimited, or Developer Edition, you can give the appropriate user permissions to your user profiles as needed.
      Grant access to all users
      Gives full access to custom objects included in the new package. Additionally, sets field-level security to visible and editable for all fields included in the new package.
      Select security settings
      Allows you to choose the usage access for all existing custom and standard profiles in your organization. You can set each profile to have full access or no access for the new package and all its components.

  5. Install


Uninstall a package

Setup –> View installed packages.  Select the package and then click uninstall.  You can view currently installed packages and package status at this spot as well.  You will get an email when the package removal is complete.