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Posted October 28th, 2008 in Certified Administrator by John Coppedge

Explain how salesforce implements workflow and when to use Salesforce workflow

Workflow rules are Enterprise+.  A workflow rule is triggered based upon pre-defined criteria (e.g. Opp Amount > 100k).  The workflow rule triggers workflow actions which can update fields, send emails, etc.


Workflow Rules Criteria:

  • When a record is created, or when a record is edited and did not previously meet the rule criteria
  • Only when a record is created
  • Every time a record is created or edited (may not be used in conjunction with time-based workflow actions)

Filter criteria must be entered as well, same functionality as a report but is required.


Workflow actions can do one of the following:

  • Create tasks
  • Send emails.  There are some limitations here- for instance, whoever activates the workflow rule will be the sender of the email (from cannot be set).
  • Update fields.  There are some limitations here- for instance, you cannot update a lookup field.
  • Send outbound message (used to send information to external services).

Workflow actions are either:

  • Immediate
  • Time-based


List and describe use cases for the four Workflow Actions

Create tasks.  Close/won opportunity and create a task to follow up with client in 90 days for sales rep or CSR.

Send emails.  Case resolution time was greater than 7 days, CSR management with case details.

Update fields.  When creating an opportunity change the name of the opportunity to include “Account Name – Opportunity Name”.  This way if you search for ABC company you can see all opportunities on the search as well.

Send outbound message.  On opportunity close/won and sale requires shipped product, send outbound message to order fulfillment program.


Explain the capabilities and settings of a Workflow Rule

When a record is created, or when a record is edited and did not previously meet the rule criteria.  Just like it sounds- rules are executed when the record is created and meets the filter criteria.  If the record did not meet the filter criteria but is edited and then does then the rule will execute.  Workflow rules can be executed multiple times under this setting (record matches & rules execute, record is changed no longer matches, record changes and matches- rules execute again).

Only when a record is created.  If it doesn’t match filter criteria on creation, the rule will never run.

Every time a record is created or edited.  If the filter criteria matches whenever a record is saved, execute the workflow rules.  The reason (my 2 cents) this cannot be used with time-based workflow actions is because it could potentially create an enormous queue of actions to take place in the future (save and save and save- each time a new set of actions is created 90 days in the future)- this really isn’t practical.  This actually is not possible with the top setting as I will explain below.


Describe the differences between immediate and time-dependent Workflow actions

Immediate workflow actions execute the instant the workflow rule criteria is met.

Time dependent workflow actions are attached to time triggers.  A time trigger is a defined interval, measured in hours or days before or after any date or date/time field on the object (e.g. 7 days after case open).  Multiple workflow actions can be assigned to a single time trigger; multiple time triggers can exist per workflow rule.

When using “When a record is created, or when a record is edited and did not previously meet the rule criteria” only one set of time-flow actions can exist.  If the record is modified and no longer meets the criteria, any pending time flow actions are removed.

Example:  If case is open after 4 days email case owner.  If case is open after 7 days email management.

Create workflow rule (when record is created or did not previously meet), filter criteria IsClosed=False.  Create time trigger for 4 days after case creation.  Add workflow rule to email case owner.  Create time trigger for 7 days after case creation.  Add workflow rule to email management.

How it works:  CSR opens case.  Case is closed after 3 days.  Case is reopened after 5 days.  Case is closed at 8 days.

Case opens- workflow pending at 4 days and 7 days.  Case closed- no workflow pending.  Case reopened- workflow pending in 2 days (CSR email not created as it would have occurred in the past).  Workflow rule executes to email management.  No workflow pending.  Case is closed.


Set up a Workflow Rule and associated actions

Try my example.

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Security & Access

Posted October 27th, 2008 in Certified Administrator by John Coppedge

List the information captured on the User Record

  • Name
  • Alias
  • Email
  • Username
  • Delegated Approver
  • Manager
  • Title
  • Company
  • Department
  • Division
  • Address
  • Time Zone
  • Locale
  • Language
  • Newsletter
  • Admin Newsletter
  • Role
  • Profile
  • Active
  • Offline user
  • Sales Anywhere User
  • Accessibility Mode
  • Send Apex Warning Emails
  • Development Mode
  • Allow Forecasting
  • Checkout Enabled
  • Call Center
  • Phone
  • Extension
  • Fax
  • Mobile
  • Email Encoding
  • Employee Number
  • Used Space
  • Last Login

Related Lists

  • Personal Groups
  • Public Group Membership
  • Queue Membership
  • Managers in Role Hierarchy
  • Login History


Create and maintain User Records

Setup –> Manage Users –> Users


Explain the Record Owner concept

For each and every record there is one and only one record owner.  Records can only be assigned to active licensed Salesforce users.  When a user is marked inactive, they still own all records assigned to them, but cannot be assigned new records.  The terminology “record owner” is reflected through Salesforce.  For instance, the “My Opportunities” list view refers to “opportunity records in which I am listed as the record owner”.

Additionally, the role of the record owner is what determines access to that record for the rest of the organization via Sharing Settings.  Synchronization applications (Connect for Outlook, Salesforce Offline) will only synchronize records owned by the user by default (two exceptions: sharing groups, if a user owns an account, they will automatically collect all of the contacts regardless of owner).

In practice each user should be responsible for all records owned.  For instance, sales rep X owns account ABC Finance.  Rep X would be responsible for keeping all address information, contacts, and opportunities up to date.


Describe the elements of the Sharing model

See “Overview of Data Permissions Setup”

Sharing Settings control the default access for each object across the organization.  Sharing rules per object can grant access beyond the default Sharing Settings; they cannot restrict access.

Default Sharing Settings

See “Sharing Model Fields”

  • Controlled by Parent
  • Private
  • Public Read Only
  • Public Read/Write
  • Public Read/Write/Transfer
  • Public Full Access (campaigns only)

Grant Access Using Hierarchies is cannot be disabled for standard objects.  When this setting is enabled, the role of the record owner determines visibility throughout the organization.  Users in roles higher in the hierarchy will be always have full access (view/edit/delete) to all records owned by those lower in hierarchy.

If Grant Access Using Hierarchies is not enabled, all roles are treated equally regardless of hierarchy.


Describe the scope and capabilities of Organization-Wide Defaults

Organization-wide defaults control the level of access each user has to record they do not own.  Let’s examine my example:


  • C-Level & E-Level Management
    • Sales Management
      • Sales Reps
    • Operations Management
      • Operations Dispatchers
    • Customer Service Management
      • Customer Service Reps

Sharing Settings for Opportunity are set to “Private”.  A Sharing Rule exists that grants Operations Dispatchers Read Access to Sales Reps’ opportunities.  Here’s how this would play out.  We’re looking at access to Sales Reps’ opportunities:

C-Level & E-Level Management Full Access (hierarchy)
Sales Management Full Access (hierarchy)
Sales Reps No Access
Operations Management Read Access (granted by hierarchy)
Operations Dispatcher Read Access (granted by sharing rule)
Customer Service Management No Access
Customer Service Reps No Access

Notice how even sharing rules are affected by Grant Access Using Hierarchies.  Note: Group-based sharing rules do not propagate using hierarchies.

Explain how access is granted through the Role Hierarchy

When a user accesses a record they do not own, the following takes place:

  1. Security controls- does the user’s profile have access to this object?
    If no, deny access.
  2. Is Grant Access Using Hierarchies enabled for this object?
    If No –> Step 3 
    If Yes –>
    1. Is this user’s role higher in the hierarchy than the role of the record’s owner?
      If Yes –> Provide full access
      If No –> Grant permissions of any sharing rule for users lower in the hierarchy (see above example)
  3. Grant permissions of any sharing rule specific to my role
  4. Grant permissions of default sharing settings

Grant the highest privileges of all of these steps combined.

Note: sharing rules only control access to the object.  Field level accessibility is not


Set up Organization-Wide Defaults

Security Controls –> Sharing Settings


Describe the use of Roles

Roles are a principal element in sharing rules.  Users should be grouped into roles based upon their need for access to data- how they fit into the role hierarchy.  Creating a role for each title is not required.  Roles are accessed throughout the application, and are particularly important for reporting.  For instance, if you have two groups “Outside Sales” and “Inside Sales” you can run comparative reports to both roles.

Build a Role Hierarchy

Manage Users –> Roles

Roles report to another role.  It is a one-to-many hierarchical relationship.


Assign Users to Roles

Manage Users –> Roles


Mass-transfer records from one user to another

Data Management –> Mass Transfer Records

Select the type of record to transfer.  Enter the old user, new user, and set the filter criteria for records to transfer.  It is essentially the s
ame as running a report but instead of getting results you transfer the record.


List the objects that may have Sharing Rules

  • Lead
  • Account
  • Contact
  • Opportunity
  • Case
  • Campaign
  • Custom Objects


Build Sharing Rules

Security Controls –> Sharing Settings

Sharing rules can be established between:

  • Public Groups
  • Queues
  • Roles
  • Roles and Subordinates


Share records manually

Note: The sharing button will only appear when a record the Sharing Model for the object is either Private or Read Only.  In my developer test account, no objects by default qualified.

Click on the record, click Sharing.  Select the users/groups and access level to grant.  Records are shared as such individually.


Describe the use cases of Public Groups and where to use them

Public Groups are created by administrators and can be used by everyone; they have the same basic functionality as private groups.  A few uses include using a sharing rule (org-wide or record sharing), specify contact synchronization, and add multiple users to a Salesforce Content workspace.


Compare and contrast Sales with Account teams

Both are Enterprise+ (Enterprise and higher editions only; this includes developer).

Sales Teams are designed to share information and establish roles between different roles within the organization.  For instance, a Sales Rep, CSR, and Account Executive are all working on the same account.  The owner of the opportunity can create roles for each of the others and provide write access to the opportunity:




Account Teams work on the same principal, however they can share all information on the account:



List the places to use Folders

  • Documents
  • Email Templates
  • Reports
  • Dashboards


Describe how Folder access differs from Record access

Folders act as containers for records.  Folders are only available for certain object (reports, dashboards, documents, email templates).  Creating a folder will let you specify the organization’s access to that folder and the records within.  Creating a folder has the following options:

Public Folder Access (Read only or Read/Write)

Selection of default access (This folder is accessible by all users, including portal users; This folder is hidden from all users; This folder is accessible only by the following users:)


Create Folders to organize and provide access to data

Click edit or create new on a folder list view.

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Posted October 9th, 2008 in Certified Administrator by John Coppedge

Describe a Profile

Profiles are primarily used to control the permissions for a user- see below.

Explain what a Profile controls

  • Tabs shown (Default On, Default Off, Hidden)
  • IP restrictions (Enterprise+)
  • Object-level security
  • Field-level security
  • Login hours
  • Apex/VF pages accessible
  • Console layout
  • Selectable applications (sales, call center, etc.)
  • Administrative & General User permissions (modify all data, run apex, approve contracts, etc.)

List the Standard Profiles

  • Contract Manager
  • Marketing User
  • System Administrator
  • Solutions Manager
  • Standard User
  • Read Only

Evaluate when to create a Custom Profile

You must create a custom profile if you want to change any of the following on a standard profile:

  • Administrative permissions (modify all data, view and setup configuration, etc.)
  • General User permissions (manage self service portal, manage cases, etc.)
  • Object-level permissions

Standard profiles and custom profiles are essentially the same, except that the above 3 areas of configuration cannot be changed on a standard profile.

Explain the differences between a Custom Field and a Standard Field

Standard fields are created by Salesforce and packaged with the object.  Custom objects are those that you create.

Custom fields and objects always have "__c" appended to the API name.

Side note:  Custom related lists to have "__r" appended to the API name.

List the different types of Custom Fields

Here we go:

  • Auto Number (there are some options here, but this is essentially a counter that grows as records are created)
  • Checkbox
  • Currency
  • Date
  • Date/Time
  • Email
  • Formula (covered later)
  • Hierarchical (creates a lookup relationship from the user object to the user object and does not reference role- this could be used to create a field for a user’s supervisor)
  • Lookup Relationship
  • Master-Detail Relationship
  • Number
  • Percent
  • Phone
  • Picklist
  • Picklist (Multiselect)
  • Roll-Up Summary
  • Text
  • Text (Encrypted) – Available by request only.
  • Text Area
  • Text Area (Long)
  • URL

Set up a Custom Field

(you’re sunk if you haven’t done this a few dozen times already)

Map Custom Lead Fields

  1. Create the custom field on the lead
  2. Create the custom field on the object that you wish to transfer the information to
  3. Map the field (Customize –> Leads –> Fields, Map Lead Fields)

Let’s say I have a field on my lead called "Page Source" (I have mutliple web-to-lead forms running; this page tracks which page the lead was submitted from).  I would create the picklist field "Page Source" on the lead object, and then on the opportunity object, then head back to the lead page and map it over.

Re-label a Standard Object

Customize –> Tab Names and Labels –> Rename Tabs and Labels

Available in Pro+

List objects for which you can enable Field History Tracking

  • Accounts
  • Cases
  • Contacts
  • Contracts
  • Leads
  • Opportunities
  • Solutions
  • Custom Objects

Notably AWOL: campaigns, assets, ideas, documents, opportunity products, price books, products

Define the dependencies when using a Dependent picklist

Straight-forward.  You select the options you want listed and those you do not by double clicking each of them.

You can have many dependant fields, but only one controlling field.  For instance, you can have the field "Type" control options for the field "SLA" and "Status"; however "Status" cannot have options that change based on "SLA" and "Status".

Picklist dependencies work for Picklist and Picklist (Multiselect) fields only.

Create and modify a Dependant Picklist

Describe the capabilities of Custom Lookup fields

  • Create a related list on the other object (for instance, opportunities listed on the account page- the name of the related list is controlled by the lookup field, the fields displayed in the list is controlled by the page layout)
  • Enables cross-object formulas (I can create a formula on an opportunity that references a field on the account)

Create and modify a Lookup Field

Describe the capabilities of Formula Fields

Formula fields have an immeasurable number of uses.  See the article "Useful Advanced Formula Fields" for some great examples.

The key is to understand that a formula field can capture and manipulate data.  It can pull data from:

  • Any field on the record the formula is created
  • Any field on a record that is linked via lookup relationship (a maximum of 5 lookups)- for instance you can create a formula on the opp object and reference account’s data

The key limitation of formula fields is that they cannot reference data in related lists. For instance, you cannot reference any information about the contact roles on the opportunity in a formula because contact roles is a related list, not a lookup (I’ve been burned by this!).

Create and modify a formula field

Describe Roll-up Summary Fields

The key benefit of a roll-up summary is that it performs math on data in related lists. The key limitation is that roll-up summaries are only available for data in a master-detail relationship.

Types of rollup:

  • COUNT (record count of related list)
  • SUM (addition of field within related list-number/currency/percent only)
  • MIN (lowest value within related list-number/currency/percent/date/date-time only)
  • MAX (highest value within related list-number/currency/percent/date/date-time only)

You can only set filter criteria for records to enter into the summary.

Example:  Create a field on account that displays the total of all opportunities won for the account:  Create the roll-up summary SUM of opportunity.amount and set the filter criteria to stage=won.

Create and modify a Roll-up Summary Field

Try my example.

Describe the elements within a Page Layout

Page layouts are comprised of sections; each section contains either fields, custom links, or related lists.  Key facts:

  • The displayed fields within a related list are controlled by the page layout; the name of the related list is determined by the lookup/master-detail relationship on the other object (see customize a related list below).
  • Page layouts can make an object required or read only.  Combine page layouts and field-level security: take the lowest possible permission.  For instance, a "hidden" (field-level permission) will never display regardless of page layout.  Likewise, a field marked "Always require a value in this field to save a record" will always be required on the
    page layout.
  • Page layouts are assigned by profile and by record type.

Create and modify a Page Layout

Create, customize, and print a List view

When you click on Accounts and see "My Accounts" next to view- that’s a list view.  Click new to create a new one.  Quick facts:

  • Every object that is associated with a tab will have at least one list view.  No tab, no list view.
  • You can assign filter criteria to your list view (just like a report).
  • You can assign list views to: yourself only, groups, and roles.
  • To print a list view click the printable view button on the top right of the page.  Printable list-views can be disabled org wide (user interface settings).

Customize a Related List

Exmple:  Custom object "Sample Object" lookup relationship to account.  Rename the related list from the object doing the looking- in this case edit the lookup to account.  Notice the label in the bottom right "Those Objects".

lookup - field config

The fields displayed on the related list are controlled by the page layout.  Here is the account page layout (that should read "Fields displayed in the related list"):

acct page layout

Describe how to use Record Types

Quick facts:

  • Enterpise+ only.
  • The record type "Master" is always present for every object, but is not listed under the record types list.  It contains all picklist/process options.  It can be assigned as a record type for a profile so long is it the only assigned record type for that profile.
  • Each record type is assigned to 1 page layout type per profile.  This means if you have two custom record types for account and 5 profiles, you will have 15 page assignments (5×2 for each custom, and 5 for Master).
  • Selectable record types are assigned per profile.
  • Field-level security is configured separately for each record type.

The overall process for creating a record:

  1. What record types are associated with the current profile?
  2. If more than 1 record type, prompt user for record type selection.  If just 1, select that record type without prompting.
  3. Based upon record type and profile, assign appropriate page layout.
  4. Based upon record type, assign the appropriate process and picklist values.

A process is a selection of picklist values specific to an object:

  • Lead Process:  Lead Status (open, closed, etc.)
  • Sales Process (opportunity):  Stage (won, lost, percentage)
  • Support Process (case):  Case Status (open, closed, etc.)
  • Solutions Process:  Solution Status (draft, deployed, etc.)

Exampe:  My sales staff sells an opportunity that represents a contract.  My customer service department can then upsell on this contract.  I would create two sales processes, two different record types, and two different page layouts: "Contract" and "CSR Upsell".  I would create a lookup relationship from opportunity to opportunity, and only require/display this only for the CSR profile.  I would also configure the roles of the organization so that they could not modify each others’ opportunities.

Create and modify a Record Type

I would suggest trying to configure my exmaple above.  If you do send me screenshot so I can update this doc 🙂

List the objects that require a business process

Do you remember?

  • Lead
  • Opportunity
  • Case
  • Solution

Explain how Field-Level Security affects page layouts and visibility

Apply whatever security is most restrictive between the page layout and field level security of the profile.


  1. Field level: Hidden
    Page Layout:  Listed normally
    Result:  Not displayed (treated as if it were not listed on the page layout)
  2. Field level: Read Only
    Page Layout:  Listed normally
    Result:  Read Only
  3. Field level:  Edit
    Page Layout: Read Only
    Result: Read Only

Set up Field-Level Security

Administrative Setup –> Security Controls –> Field Accessibility.  This will allow you to view by fields, profiles, or record types.

Administrative Setup –> Manage Users –> Profiles.  This will allow you to configure field-level security per profile.

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Organization Administration

Posted September 19th, 2008 in Certified Administrator by John Coppedge

List what information is included in the Company Profile

Company Profile has 3 subsections:

Company Information:

  • Organization Name
    Primary Contact
    Fiscal Year Starts In (this field simply lists the month- it can only modified in the Fiscal Year subsection)
    Admin Newsletter
    Hide Notices About System Maintenance
    Hide Notices About System Downtime

    Default Locale
    Default Language
    Default Time Zone
    Currency Locale
    Used Space
    API Requests
    Restricted Logins, Current Month Organization ID
  • User Licenses
  • Feature Licenses (Offline, Mobile, Wireless, etc.)

Fiscal Year

  • Selection:
    Standard Fiscal Year
    Custom Fiscal Year
  • Fiscal Year Start Month
  • Fiscal Year is Based On
    The ending month
    The starting month

Business Hours

List view of business hours object, each contains:

  • Name
    Use these business hours as default (checkbox)
    Active (checkbox)
    Time Zone
    Mon-Sun Hours


List the places where Currency is specified

Currency settings are company-wide.

Currency Locale changes the currency type for all currency fields.  This includes Amount (opp), Quotas (forecast), any custom currency fields, and so forth.  When Multiple Currencies are enabled, Currency Locale sets the default currency for the organization.

Setup –> Company Profile –> Company Information

Multiple currencies can only be enabled by a request to Salesforce support.  Once enabled, you can add currencies and establish conversion rates.

From Salesforce:

Every user also has a personal currency, which is used as the default currency in his or her own quotas, forecasts, opportunities, and reports. Users can also create opportunities and enter amounts using other active currencies.

Every lead, account, contact, opportunity, and case has a field that specifies the currency to use for all amount fields in that record. For example, you can set the Account Currency to "USD-U.S. Dollars" so that the Annual Revenue shows in dollars for one of your American accounts. All currency amounts are displayed in the default currency of the record as well as in the personal currency of the user. When you change the default currency of a record, currency amounts are not converted; they simply display with the new currency code.

Setup –> Company Profile –> Manage Currencies

Advanced Currency Management is only available when multiple currencies is enabled. This will allow you to set Dated Exchange Rates (eg. 9/1-9/8 USD is worth .75 EUR; 9/9-9/18 USD is worth .8 EUR).  Dated Exchange Rates only work on opportunities, opportunity products, opportunity product schedules, all referencing the corresponding date field.  Forecasts, custom currency fields, cross-object formulas, etc. all use static conversion rates.

Setup –> Company Profile –> Manage Currencies


Describe the effect of chaning your company’s default Time Zone, Currency, Locale, and Language

All of these settings are company-wide.

Default Time Zone

Login hours are assessed using the organization’s Default Time Zone.

A new user’s default time zone will mirror the company default.  Changing the company’s time zone will not affect existing users.

Business Hours are not affected by the default company time zone.  Each business hours record has its own selection for time zone.

Setup –> Company Profile –> Company Information

Currency Locale

Changing the currency locale will change the symbol that each currency field presents.  Modifying this field will not change the actualy number in any currency field.  Unless multiple currencies is enabled, this setting is company-wide and will affect all users when changed.

Default Locale

From Salesforce:

This will control how some information appears (i.e., numbers, dates, phone numbers, etc).

Default Language

This changes the language that Salesforce UI uses (terms like opportunity, user, etc.).  New users will inherit the default company-wide language.  Changing this setings will not affect existing users.


Describe the effect of enabling the Custom Fiscal Year setting

This setting is company-wide, and is not reversible.

This will enable your organization to define custom fiscal periods (for instance, a trimester, or fiscal periods unequal in length).  Fiscal years are defined year by year.  Unless fiscal periods are created for past or future years, reporting can done only by date (Salesforce uses your custom fiscal periods for reporting).  Changing fiscal periods will void any associated forecasts and quotas.  Fiscal period column will not show on opportunity reports or list views.

Setup –> Company Profile –> Fiscal Year


Create and manage letterheads and email templates

Letterheads are stored company-wide.  Typically you would add your company logo (header/footer) and color scheme background.  Upload images as documents and set them as an Externally Available Image.

Email templates can be stored company-wide or on a per-user basis (the same as reports).  An email template can plug into a company letterhead.  Email templates have their own formatting (columns for instance).  When send an email using both, you would see:

Letterhead logo


Email content (based upon email template selected or HTML code)


Letterhead footer

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Navigation – User Interface (UI) Settings

Posted September 12th, 2008 in Certified Administrator by John Coppedge

Identify specific areas of the Salesforce Home Tab

The configuration of each home page component is company-wide (there isn’t much to configure, just links/messages).  Which components are displayed is determined by page layouts (profile-based).

Setup –> Customize –> Home –>Home Page Components
Setup –> Customize –> Home –> Home Page Layouts

There is a left pane and a right pane.  Components plug into each pane- each square is a component:


List of components:

Create New
Recent Items
Messages & Alerts
Custom Links
Solution Search
Document Search
Product Search
Dashboard Snapshot
Items To Approve

(Tags can also be shown via Home Page Layouts)


Configure Search settings for your organization

Search settings are company-wide.

Setup –> Customize –> Search

Enable Object Drop-Down List for Sidebar Search: shows the filter by object above search
Enable "Limit to Items I Own" Sidebar Search Checkbox: shows checkbox


Auto-complete and Enhanced lookups are both configured on a per-object basis.

search options

With Enhanced Lookups enabled, when you click on the lookup dialog you will be presented with a feature more similar to the traditional:

enhanced lookup

Auto-Completion takes effect on the lookup fields where it is enabled.  Below auto-complete is enabled on accounts, so as I type into the account lookup field you can see it is enabled (blue):

auto complete

Changing the Results Displayed Per Object will change the number the maximum number of search results return per object (range is 5-50).  My example limits accounts to 5 results:

limit search results


Customize the Tabs a user can access or select from Tab settings

Default tabs are configured per profile.

Settings –> Manage Users –> Profiles

There are 3 settings:

Default On: tab will show unless user turns it off

Default Off: tab will not show unless user turns it on

Hidden: tab will not show, nor will it be listed under all tabs.  This does not prevent the user from viewing the data of this object type.

Users can show/hide tabs that are not marked "Hidden".  This just modifies their account; it is just a preference option.


Locate, identify, and explain the UI settings an administrator controls

User interface settings are company-wide.

Settings –> Customize –> User Interface

Enable Collapsible Sections: Allows you to condense page sections.

collapsible section open

Changes into

collapsible section closed

Show Quick Create: Adds quick create menu to sidebar, fields vary depending on tab selected (contact shown below).


Enable Hover Details:  when you drag your mouse over a link it will provide basic information.

hover details 

Enable Related List Hover Links:  Extends the above functionality to links in related lists.

Enable Inline Editing:  This lets you edit a record without clicking the edit button before hand.  You just doubled click on the line you want to edit, and then click save.  Very handy.

in-line editing

Enable Enhanced Lists:  This will replace your default lists with an interface that will let you easily move column headers.  With both enhanced lists and inline editing editing enabled you can make changes directly while in the list.

accounts enhanced lookups

Enable Floating Report Headers (update: this option is now located under Reports & Dashboards –> User Interface Settings):  This will keep the headers of the report with the report as you scroll down multiple pages.

floating report header

Enable Printable List Views:  Enables a print friendly page from any list view.

Enable Collapsible Sidebar:  Makes the sidebar collapsible by the user (the same area as the left page of the home page).

Show Custom Sidebar Components on All Pages:  Makes any custom components added to the home page layout show all the time.  You can set "Show Custom Sidebar On All Pages" permission at the profile level to change this setting per-profile.

Enable Home Page Hover Links for Events: Same functionality as above for Home Page Links.
Enable Drag-and-Drop Editing on Calendar Views:  Lets you drag and drop calendar events to different dates/time without editing the event itself.
Enable Hover Links for My Tasks list:  Same functionality as above for Tasks.