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Setup Enhancer Adds Search Functionality to Salesforce Setup Menu [Time Savers]

Posted February 15th, 2010 in Tips & Tricks by John Coppedge

Even when I remember specifically where each submenu lives within the Salesforce setup, searching for me is more intuitive and faster, which is why I was super excited to read this post from Jeff Grosse (@CRMFYI).  This Greasemonkey script adds a search menu to the Salesforce setup window and filters the setup menu on the fly:


What you need:

FF 3.5+


Setup Enhancer Greasmonkey Script



Make sure that Greasemonkey is installed and you’ve restarted Firefox before attempting to install the Setup Enhancer script.

You can post enhancement requests to the discussion board of the script.

Comments Off on Skype from your contact records [Skype]

Skype from your contact records [Skype]

Posted January 24th, 2010 in Tips & Tricks by John Coppedge

image I’ve been playing with VOIP products a lot recently.  For instance, I learned you can make VOIP calls through Gizmo5 [registration currently closed] using your Google Voice number.  That’s pretty handy when you’re in another country – so long as you’ve got wifi, you’ve got a US phone number.  For free.  Since Google purchased Gizmo5, I expect we’ll see some interesting offerings when the product is re-launched.

But I digress.  As great as the above combo is, I still often connect with others using Skype.  This lead me to start collecting their IDs on the contact record.  From there it is pretty simple to create a URL to dial them through Skype directly.


Skype ID is a text field.  Skype URL is a formula field using the following:

IF( LEN(Skype_ID__c) > 0, HYPERLINK("skype:" & Skype_ID__c & "?call", "Skype " & Skype_ID__c ), "No Skype ID")

This can also be implemented as a button using this code:



Happy dialing.  Cheers,


Comments Off on Use PhraseExpress to Shorten Variables & Code [Tips & Tricks]

Use PhraseExpress to Shorten Variables & Code [Tips & Tricks]

Posted December 8th, 2009 in Tips & Tricks by John Coppedge

I am typically not doing a ton of programming, but when I do I like to use meaningful (long) variable names, and frequently mistype them.  Woe was me, until…

I type: pb# and the code is translated automatically.


The configuration is really simple:


So far I have used this mostly for shortening email addresses, company names, and URLs.  But when I fired up a DE tonight for some light code testing it hit me that this could be a huge time/pain saver for you heavy coders out there.

PhraseExpress is Windows only (Mac users can try TextExpander), free for non-commercial use, $49.95 otherwise. 

Note: PhraseExpress v7 was recently released, includes Windows 7 support and new features.

Comments Off on Cheat Sheets [Downloads]

Cheat Sheets [Downloads]

Posted December 3rd, 2009 in Tips & Tricks by John Coppedge

Check out the developerforce wiki for some great cheat sheets.  I can see how these would be an absolute lifesaver, especially during the initial learning process.

[edit: updated URL]

[edit: Direct to PDF shortcuts removed by request]

Comments Off on Rollup Picklists to Master Object [no Apex required]

Rollup Picklists to Master Object [no Apex required]

Posted November 10th, 2009 in Tips & Tricks by John Coppedge

How can you translate text from a related list into a field on your master object?


Magic.  Pure and simple.  That, and formulas.  Lots of formulas.  We’ll call it Formula Magic.

This works by assigning each entry within the picklist to a range of digits, using a roll-up summary formula to compile the totals, and then using remainder calculations to determine type.

Here’s how to set it up:

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